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Referral Forms

Please see the referral forms below.

Ultrasound Referral Form

Ultrasound referral is to be completed and sent to us by a referring veterinarian.

Orthopedic Referral Form

This to be completed and sent to us by a referring veterinarian.

Dental Referral Form

This to be completed and sent to us by a referring veterinarian.

Ultrasound Services

Dr Rachel Laird De Groot provides ultrasound services of both the abdominal organs as well as the heart structures at our Forest and Sarnia locations. This diagnostic method, to closely assess the architecture and sometimes the function of the various organs, is not painful, however your pet will be required to remain relatively still in order to ensure the images are accurate. An oral sedative should be provided to give prior to the appointment for best relaxation of the pet. In most circumstances the your pet is to be fasted for 12 hours prior to visit however water drinking is encouraged. A full bladder is recommended. Pregnancy ultrasounds however do not require sedation or fasting. Shaving of the fur of the area being assessed will be performed. The images collected at the time of the ultrasound are sent to a specialist for analysis. Reports are available, depending upon the case and level of concern, within hours to days. The report will be returned to your regular veterinarian to allow them to follow up directly with you.

Orthopedic Surgery

We are pleased to offer select orthopedic surgery services through our Northern Oak Animal Hospital location! While we recognize that referral to board-certified surgeons for many orthopedic procedures is considered gold standard, we also know that for some clients referral may not be a possibility due to financial and distance limitations.

The following orthopedic procedures are being offered by Dr. Jamie McGill Worsley:

1) Fracture Repair via plating and pinning

2) Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy (FHO)

3) Repair of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (Full or Partial Tear) by:

Lateral Fabellar Suture Stabilization (extra capsular technique)
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) by Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP)
Debridement of Meniscal Tear (if indicated)

4) Luxating Patella Repair (by combination of, if indicated):

Tibial Tuberosity Transposition (TTT)
Block Trochleoplasty
Ridgestop Patellar Luxation Repair System
Joint Capsule Release and Imbrication

5) Amputation

Please inform clients that while previously completed radiographs will be reviewed for certain procedures radiographs may need to be repeated, often under sedation, for specific positioning and calibration purposes.

We are happy to give approximate estimated costs for procedures though the costs will be confirmed at the time of initial consultation. All estimates typically include the follow up visits at 2, 4 and 8 weeks as well as the typically performed post-op rads as indicated by the procedure performed.

Dental and Oral Surgery Services

Our Forest Veterinary Clinic and Northern Oak Animal Hospitals are equipped to offer full dental prophylactic and more extensive dental and oral surgical procedures including extractions. All of our procedures have dental radiographs performed to allow for complete assessment of the teeth above and below the gumline. The following dentistry procedures are being offered by Dr. Carley Stewardson and Dr. Melissa Davies:

1) Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment

2) Dental extractions

3) Advanced Dentistry Procedures including:

Oral mass management
Rostral Mandibulectomy/ Maxillectomy
Soft tissue surgery including oral nasal fistula repair, repair of soft palate/hard palate/ gingival defects
Restorations and Odontoplasty

While we can provide a wide range estimated cost for some of these procedures, generally an assessment with one of our dental focused veterinarians will allow them to create a more specific treatment plan in advance of the procedure. Our dental procedures include a complimentary recheck 2 weeks after to assess healing and recovery.